One week has gone by since I migrated from using Treo680 PalmOS to E71 Sysmbian smartphone.Honestly,I was in doubt whether I made the right decision about this move.I still love my Treo680 with PalmOS, but over the last 7 days,I began climbing on my learning curve and so far I have been enjoying the ride even though on some occasion I have to change my old habit like touching the screen and pushing the wrong button.
One thing that worried me most was the data(contacts,calendars etc) in my old phone.Can I get them to my new phone.Each has its own OS and I synced the data using different pc platforms(Treo on macOS,and E71 on PC on microsoft).Even though I am the heavy user of smart phone, but when it comes to really techie stuff, it is beyond me.So,I invite my gadget buddies[from palmx community] to attempt the data migration. Alhamdulilah,in about one hour, my friends Dr Azmi and Nazley had managed to do it.To celebrate the occasion and to thank my friends,we had a delicious nasi padang at Sari Ratu.Thanks guys:-)
A week is too short to make a real meaniful comment on this E71, but I began to like it.It has many apps for communications and social networking, not to mention that it syncs with Microsoft Outlook.