Today,I tried to be a micro mechanic to repair my 1GB SD card that locked itself.The little while button had failed to function.Inside,I have a good 650MB of free space that I cannot access to store new apps or data.I brought to the electronic shop near my house but alas, the technician there could not help.So,I had no choice but to buy new Kingston 1GB SD card.
When I got home to my iBook computer,I tried to copy all the files and install into my new SD card.It took about 45 minutes and file locked file cancelled the whole process.After unlocking that file, I tried the second time, all the files were copied but all full of errors.Then I excluded that file and other jpg files and copied again and it took another 30 minutes. Phew, at last it works as my old SD card.
One lesson that I learnt from this episode is that the locking mechanism failed because of my frequent taking out and putting it into card reader during files transfer to my iBook.