I planned to blog every hour on the train but I could not not.The main reason is the connectivity to Internet.From KL to Seremban was a bliss but after that,I lost my patience when I had intermittent connection until I arrived at Kluang-most time no connection at all).By then,my mood was not there any more as I was getting hungry.Hungry men are angry men;-) I am using Celcom broadband with 3G wireless card.
Another reason that I did not proceed with blogging was due to lateral movements of the train as I type on the keyboard with my two fingers. Last but not the least was I am worried the vibration from the train may cause damages to some parts inside in pc.So I chosed to update using Twitters via my Treo680 smartphone-as and when I could get connected to Digi.
By the way, when it comes to writing/blogging on the train, the old fashion way of a notebook and a pen will do just fine. That was what I did along the way...
One interesting discovery I made is the direct distance from JB Railway Station to KL Sentral is about 329km but the real distance I travelled by railway is 376km.This figure shows that the route constructed is only 14.3% longer than the straight line. Considering our railway lines were done more than 50 years,it was an good engineering work done by the engineers at that time.
Using my GPS device to track the travel,here are some figures:
Max speed 101km/hr
Moving average speed 55km/hr
Travel time 6.5hrs
Ttotal time for Stops 25min
Distance covered 376km
At Tampin and Gemas railway stations,I saw a few old trains and old buildings being left to rot away. What a waste..I could write more but nothing is good to report about. In a sentence,our KTM needs a major overall overhaul in order to keep it relevant and modern.
Here is something to smile about:
When I bought the ticket for KL/JB, the ticket officer told me I have made the right choice compared to travelling by plane or bus.When I enquired why, he told me that I can enjoy the ride much longer for every ringgit I paid compared to travelling by plane or bus!
Note on the photo:The photo showed how people sleep on the train.I saw one with a plastic bag to cover his head!
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