This photo was taken on November 16, 2005 using aPanasonic DMC-FX8 at the back of Masjid Sayyidina Ali,a few kms from Madinah.This photo is to remind me that when I return to Allah,I will be dressed up in a few pieces of white clothes and nothing else of any worldy possesions if I have any will accompany me.I shall come alone and none will accompany me,not even my wife and my children.It would a long lonely days and nights...unless I have my iman and my amal accepted by Allah.
By the way,my 78 years old mother has bought her 'kain kapan'-the clothes that is needed to wrap her body when she dies.It cost her about RM60.And our final abode is six feet underground and it costs less than a few hundred ringgit to construct.Compare that to your present house!Lately, when my age is approaching 60,I become more aware of my own mortality.Many thought only others die and forget that we are also going to die.According to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW,the wise among us are those who remember death and getting ready for it.Are we REALLY getting ready for it???
Ramdhan is going to leave us again in a few days time...Let us ponder how much we put our time and efforts for this dunia(short and temporary) and how much we have put time and effort for our akhirat(long and forever)..
Let me qoute an excerpt from the book "Don't Be Sad".
It is incumbent upon everyone to realise that death is hovering above us.At any moment,day or night,death can come.Caliph Ali bin Abu Taalib expressed in lucid terms the reality of our life:
" The Hereafter is travelling towards us and this life is travelling away from us; so be among the children of the Hereafter and not the children of this world.For today is action without reckoning(judgement), and tomorrow is reckoning without action".
From this saying,we can learn how imperative it is for us to improve ourselves,to renew our repentance.and to know that we are dealing with The Lord,Who is Generous,Powerful,Great and Kind.
Death does not seek permission prior to arrival,nor does it gives early warning that it is on the way. The Qur'an informs us: {[No person knows what he will earn tomorrow,and no person knows in what land he will die]}-Qur'an 31:34
{[The Appointment to you is for a Day,which you cannot put back for an hour(or a moment) nor put forward]}-Qur'an 34:30
Berlumba-lumbalah kamu (mengerjakan amal-amal yang baik) untuk mendapat keampunan dari Tuhan kamu, dan mendapat Syurga yang bidangnya seluas segala langit dan bumi, yang disediakan bagi orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-rasulNya; yang demikian ialah limpah kurnia Allah, diberikanNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya; dan Allah sememangnya mempunyai limpah kurnia yang besar.
(Al-Hadiid 57:21) | <Embed> | English TranslationPhoto credit: Munir Adib
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