Some writers are very passionate about their notebooks:
"I never travel without my notebook. One should always have something sensational to read in the train."
~ Oscar Wilde
"Sitting on a wine barrel, facing the sea, in the far south, I make notes in an authentic moleskine, a museum piece which
Bruce gave me especially for this trip..."
~ Luis Sepulveda
"At the Closerie des Lilas I sat in a corner with the
afternoon light coming in over my shoulder and wrote in my notebook.
The waiter brought me a café crème."
~Ernest Hemingway
I am not a writer, but I also love to write some notes in my notebook:

"At the Discovercafe along Jalan Kampung Pandan,I sat in one corner enjoying my kopi kaw with roti bakar and wrote in moleskine notebook".
~Mohd Adib Noh
Excerpt from my notebook:
Yesterday,I was caught in the demonstration and the heavy rain while on the way to see my friend who lives in UK but on a holiday here.The family stays at Mandarin Hotel next to KLCC.My wife told me not to go KLCC because she heard that a demostration will take place after solat Jumaat. I told her not to worry;I knew my way around. I planned to go via Jalan Kia Peng and my son will drop me at the entrance of KL Convention Centre.
When I arrived near KL Convention Centre, I saw thousands of demonstrators were crossing the roads.Then my son dropped me near the entrance but I was told by the police men that I could not use the entry for security reasons-the foreign ministers were having their meeting.Then it suddenly rained cats and dogs. I had to take refuge for 45 minutes under the 'pondok jaga'. During the period, I saw demonstrators expressing their anger at Israel and USA.
When the rain subsided, I took the RapidKL bus to KLCC via Jalan Tun Razak. But the bus did not go to KLCC but it was going to Maluri.I was lucky the bus route took me to a bus stop in front of PNB along Jalan Tun Razak. There, I saw a few thousands people demonstrating in front of US embassy. From there I had to walk in the rain to Ampang Point Putra station and took the train to KLCC. I was one and the half hours late but I managed to see my friend and we had kerepuk lekur at Aseana Cafe.
This is the longest journey to KLCC from my house and my modes of transport included car,bus,walking in the rain and the train.I returned home with a taxi and missed a meeting with my fellow GC of PMIMY.
On arrival at home,my wife asked how was my day.I told her that I had a very interesting day.It was fun walking in the rain....
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