A few young men confided in me that they don't like the jobs they are doing now.To date,no one has told me that he/she is happy with what they are doing.They must be happy,so they don't complain and were engrossed in their jobs.May be.
There must be a few reasons why we are not happy with our jobs.Not all of us got the jobs we like to do but we just accept them so that we can earn our living.But remember,we do have a choice.We must explore the choice that are available and take actions.Here is a link that may guide you to the job that you wish to do.
If you were to ask me what job you love to do now,I would reply,"I love to read books,write blogs everyday,take photos and do water-colour painting every weekend and have coffee latte/early grey tea and chat with my friends every afternoon."These look more like leisure than work to me now.But what if I could earn some money from what I love doing?So far, I have not earned a single cent from the above 'list of work' I mentioned.However,I am developing a business plan so that I could earn some money from blogging and taking photos;-)
I graduated as a civil engineer and started my career at PWD as a building design engineer(1976) and later became a project manager in a property development company.As the years went by,my interest changed from engineering to management. Before my interest in engineering fades away, I got interested in management and after a few years as a GM, I was promoted to be a CEO(1989).Two years later,I decided to start my own company involved in construction and water engineering.Now, my interest changed to providing consultancy and training in project management but I still keep my construction company,managed by my partner.
As you can see, my interest changes with time and space.A friend graduated as a vet but he loves computer programming so much that he, on his own had acquired enough knowledge and skill to be the head of a computer department of a company.Another brilliant young man,graduated with flying colours in electrical engineering has decided to stop working and took MBA in Paris and now he is employed as a corporate executive in an aviation company in France.
Before you start looking for a new job,please check your core competencies and what you really love doing.In many cases,we must strike the balance between the two and ensure that we have enough money for our needs.
May be, by the time I am 60 years old(insyaAllah), I may lose interests in many of the things that I enjoy doing now and decide to become a da'i(pendakwah).
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