Every month,we have Langkah Ceria to get more people to walk and Kayuhan Ceria to get more people to ride in Putrajaya.More and more people are taking part and this augurs well for healthy lifestyle.Congratulations to Perbadanan Putrajaya.As one of the early bike riders in Putrajaya(way back in Aug,2008),I am very happy to see it is happening and progressing well-not only in Putrajaya but all over the country.Alhamdulilah.
So far we have sport and entertainment actvities being promoted and sponsored.Next,if I may be allowed to think aloud is The Festival of Reading in the form of Baca Ceria.From my observation,the National Month of Reading is forgotten in the following eleven months.I have a suggestion where once a month, we have a reading picnic where parents and their children come to The Promenade(located next to The Souq) or any other beautiful places and read books by the lakeside.They also can have their own family picnic potluck-style but the Perbadanan Putrajaya provides free books to read or through sponsors or on lend from public libraries or bookshops.
May I have your comments and better suggestions.InsyaAllah,I will be meeting the President of Putrajaya soon.Wish me luck.
Herewith I attach a few nice places to read books in Putrajaya.
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