Yesterday, at about 6am,I witnessed the almost full moon got smaller and smaller due to its eclipse. However, I failed to see the total eclipse due to clouds and unclear weather conditions. According to the astronomical reports, this phenomena happens about once in three years on average. You can read more info here and the mechanics of eclipse here.
Other than a beautiful sight to behold, I also was reminded that these heavenly bodies obey certain laws and rules on their own.They move and rotate according to their pre-destined orbits and with some knowledge we the inhabitants of this planet earth can forecast their movements.
My question: Do these planets have the minds of their own? It is good to ponder and come to own own conclusions..
Here is a link to some verses in the Holy Qur'an about some scientific facts about the universe.If you wish to see some photos about what happened yesterday, please visit this website and click Rare Lunar Eclipse button there.
Note: The photo shown is a full moon taken from Masjidil Haram a few years ago.It was a sight to behold.
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