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Thursday, September 12, 2013


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Every new broom wants to sweep clean. I was in the ministry of education in the 1990's and early 2000 and was partly involved in sending teachers for training, including English. We used to have a program of sending prospective teachers to the UK but the budget was very limited.Indeed very limited. (we have enough candidates if we have the budget). So we trained them in local Universities. With due respect, they were never the best.
Please do not think that we never had that grand thoughts like what the minister just said. Fund was limited. So this time around, if it is just talking smart but not acting smart, can guess what the result would be.
We are rich in oil. Where has the money gone to? MESTI TELUS DAN TULUS.

I agree with Ngasobah that every dream wants to sweep clean. If ministers can just shut up and let the results be evaluated then I will have some respect. Nasi yang dimasak tadi dah basi - orang tak pandai simnpang- nanti saya masak yang baru.

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