Ya Nabi Salam 'alaika...

Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikatNya berselawat (memberi segala penghormatan dan kebaikan) kepada Nabi (Muhammad s.a.w); wahai orang-orang yang beriman berselawatlah kamu kepadanya serta ucapkanlah salam sejahtera dengan penghormatan yang sepenuhnya.
(Al-Ahzaab 33:56) | <Embed> | English Translation | Tambah Nota | BookmarkAllah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.
Let me share this writing from another website less we forget why we are on this planet earth:
Al-Sajdah (The Prostration)
Chapter 32: Verse 18
The Objective of Life
"Is then the one who believes equal to the man who is a transgressor and wicked? Not equal are they.”
When the lifestyle of one who is working solely for the material gains of this world is compared with that of a person who is striving for the everlasting rewards of the Hereafter, there is seemingly very little difference. In both cases, each person is seen to be striving to maintain a quality life.
It is clear that the non-believer, limited to himself and feeding upon his own desires cannot, compare with the true Believer. The non-believer may find that all his worldly desires are fulfilled, but his accomplishments will only bring temporary satisfaction.
The true Believer on the other hand, may achieve worldly gains but he realises that true contentment will only come when the ultimate reward of Paradise and the pleasure of his Lord is achieved.
This understanding of life and its true objective is the secret of the believer's strength and support. This makes him the most powerful and resourceful person to walk upon the earth.
Start, then, to prepare for the Akhira today! Why waste your time and energy on what will perish when you can use the same to earn the delights and pleasures of the life to come? Everything you have must be put forward as an investment for that life, but you must keep in mind that the investment is not the objective. All that Allah has bestowed on you -body, mind, faculties and property -are valuables for investment, but the real objective is to earn the pleasure of Allah and the rewards of Janna.
Remember that your personal destiny and, therefore, the end of all your life's pursuits, lie in the Akhira, but the road to that destiny lies in Dunya, in this world. Indeed the achievements made during the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, were the results of full participation in this world - neither withdrawing nor retiring from it - for the sake of the Life to Come. The Prophet and his Companions planned for this world as though they were going to stay here forever but equally they sought the rewards of the Hereafter as though death was close at hand. It is this delicate balance that you must strive to achieve in your approach to life.
"In The Early Hours" - Khurram Murad