Yesterday,I had lunch with my friend who is a very senior government servant(Jusa A).He told me that he is looking forward to retirement in a few months time."Adib,will I have my friends when I retire?".I told him that he can bet on me!
From my experience and observations,once one retires from office,the business friends will slowly fade away,leaving your real friends from your old schools,the places where you worked before and where you grew up.If you are involved in a few hobbies like cycling,photography etc, then you shall have more new friends depending on your engagement with the hobbies and good communication with your new acquintances.
While having our lunch,I noticed my shoolmate who was a former cabinet minister sitting at the nearby table.When he was in office,I did not get to see him because he was very busy and I was glad that he came to my table and chatted with me.He was one of our prefects and I was his school captain.
To my friend who is retiring soon,get a hobby and do some business to keep you occupied and sane.In the event,you get lonely,just call me for lunch or tea.InsyaAllah,I will be there..
About 5 years ago,I wrote something on friends and friendship.Kindly take a look if you have the time.
Personal note: One of my hobbies is taking photos.Here is my selected collection.Below is a photo of my cycling friends...
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