Just another three weeks more to the end of the year 2012.It is a good time to review what we had done,not done,have achieved and not achieved before the year end.I am asking myself what is on my priority list before the 2012 curtain comes down?Time is time;it does not wait for anybody even though you are the sultan.Just like water in the river,if you don't use it,it will just flow to the sea...
We can plan many things to do and to achieve for 2012 but as the year is coming to the close,the reality sets in.We have to be contented with what we had done and what we had achieved.Take down some notes on the lessons learnt, even for a senior citizen like me is still learning the lessons of life.Take some time to plan and try to do better next year,insyaAllah.
Three major events in 2012 that I can share with my fellow readers are the birth of my first grandson,the wedding of my first son and I celebrated my 60th birthday on 30th September this year.First,let me thank my Lord Allahu Rabbul 'Alamin for His Grace and Mercy to bestow all these gifts to my family and me.Now,I am a senior citizen with a wife,three sons,two daughters-in-law and one grandson.Alhamdulilah.
There are other things that we had gone through but we cannot share in public.I had my achievements and my failures as well.As muslims,La tahzan(don't be sad),we accept them as qadar and qadar,then we move on..and review what went wrong and try to do better next year and never forget to du'a for Allah's helps.
Let me qoute this famous words of the Sufi:
"Allah swt puts turbulence in our heart so that our nearness to Him remains forver."
Note on the photo: The sunrise was taken at Pantai Irama,Bachok.