Let me begin with this definition:
An act of kindness is a spontaneous gesture of goodwill towards someone or something - our fellow humans, the animal kingdom, and the kingdom of nature. Kind words and deeds come from a state of benevolence, generated by a core response deep within all of us. When we carry out an act of kindness it is a message from one heart to another, an act of love, an unspoken "I care" statement.
Now,let me tell you my story...
I was walking alone on a cold windy morning in Amsterdam.The day was 28th April,2012.Most people are either cycling or on the bus.I was looking for a way to visit Van Gogh Museum.How did I get into this mess?I was so busy reading the brochures while on the bus that I forgot to alight at the right bus stop.The tourist bus only stopped at the next station,about 2km away.
Before I got off the bus, the driver told me to walk back about two traffic lights and turn left.I did and somehow I got lost.I had my Blackberry then, but it was useless to navigate me to my destination and I did not take along my iPad because I have yet to be connected to Internet via simcard.How I wish I had an iPhone with Google maps,of course.I walked about for ten minutes and realised that I was lost.It is better to admit than pretend that I knew the way.The only thing I got to do is to ask someone.
Then I saw a young lady walking towards me and I stopped her and ask for help on the way how to walk to Van Gogh Museum.She replied that she would walk with me to the museum.When I asked her how far to go, she replied it would take about 15 minutes of walking!To me,that was too long for someone to walk and show me the place where I wanted to go.I refused to take her offer and instead asked her to draw the map in my moleskine notebook.What shocked me was her refusal to draw the map and insisted that she walk with me all the way to museum.I can't think of any reasons why would a young girl in her early 20's wanted to walk with someone old enough to be her father.How I wish I was the 25 years old guy on that day;-)
As we walked together toward my destination(as shown above),I asked her why she was doing it.No body had ever walked with me more than 100metres to show me the way whenever I ask for direction.She told one reason that I could not refused.She said,"I want to do something good today to someone!".With that statement from a beautiful lady,how could I refused..
As we walked,I asked about her.She is a student doing law and wanted to be a lawyer so that she could help poor people.She hailed from Morocco and a muslimah.Her name is Akmal.When we arrived at the Van Gogh Museum,I thanked her and exchanged salams.
Iaitu orang-orang yang mendermakan hartanya pada masa senang dan susah, dan orang-orang yang menahan kemarahannya, dan orang-orang yang memaafkan kesalahan orang. Dan (ingatlah), Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berbuat perkara-perkara yang baik;
(A-li'Imraan 3:134) | <Embed> | English Translation
Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good;-
(Keadaan mereka di sana) sentiasa menerima nikmat dan rahmat yang diberikan kepadanya oleh Tuhan mereka. Sesungguhnya mereka di dunia dahulu adalah orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
(Adz-Dzaariyaat 51:16) | <Embed> | English Translation
Allah loves:
- those who do good deeds
- those who ask Him for forgiveness
- those who purify themselves
- those who are Allah-fearing
- those who are steadfast
- those who trust Him
- those who act justly
- those who strive for His cause
- those who follow His Prophet
Allah does not love:
- the aggressors (2:190)
- the disbelievers (3:32)
- those who inflict injustice (3:57)
- evil (5:64) and evil doers (2:205)
- those who are arrogant (4:36)
- those who spend lavishly (6:141)
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