As I came out of my house to go jogging yesterday morning,to my pleasant suprise I saw the flats in front of my house was brigtly lighted by the the rays of light emanating from the rising sun.I rushed back into my house to get my compact Lumix LX5 to snap this shot(as shown on the right).For a few moments,I was mersmerised by the beauty of the lighted blocks of ordinary flats.During normal time,these block of flats are just like ordinary flats-you and me won't look back to appreciate them-just plain ordinary ,period.However,when these objects were beamed by light from the sun,they just glowed from the dark blue sky background.I got stucked in my shoes watching the morning display until a few minutes later,when the sight of these objects went back to normal as the sun rays faded away....may be hidden by the dark moving morning clouds.
Light is a very important factor when and where we see things.Without light,we see nothing.With different intensities of light we can see thing differently but it also depends on the capabilities and abilities of our eyes to see the visuals and the mind's cognitive abilty to understand.Another factor is the source of light...the views will be different if these blocks of flats were lighted by a few flood light powered by electricity.
By now, you know where I am getting you into...Let us leave behind the physical domain and enter into the intellectual and spiritual domains that similar 'lights' may exist in different forms and modes of existence...
Let us explore deeper the meaning of 'lights' as mentioned in the ayat below by referring to various tafsir:
Allah yang menerangi langit dan bumi. Bandingan nur hidayah petunjuk Allah (Kitab Suci Al-Quran) adalah sebagai sebuah "misykaat" yang berisi sebuah lampu; lampu itu dalam geluk kaca (qandil), geluk kaca itu pula (jernih terang) laksana bintang yang bersinar cemerlang; lampu itu dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pokok yang banyak manfaatnya, (iaitu) pokok zaitun yang bukan sahaja disinari matahari semasa naiknya dan bukan sahaja semasa turunnya (tetapi ia sentiasa terdedah kepada matahari); hampir-hampir minyaknya itu - dengan sendirinya - memancarkan cahaya bersinar (kerana jernihnya) walaupun ia tidak disentuh api; (sinaran nur hidayah yang demikian bandingannya adalah sinaran yang berganda-ganda): cahaya berlapis cahaya. Allah memimpin sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang dan peraturanNya) kepada nur hidayahNya itu; dan Allah mengemukakan berbagai-bagai misal perbandingan untuk umat manusia; dan Allah Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu. (An-Nuur 24:35) | <Embed> | English Translation
I am not qualified to explain any further.My job,due to my limited knowledge,is to provoke you to take the journey of discovery on your own.In the above ayat,Allah swt mentioned the word 'nur' five times.My tafsir guru told me it has five meanings..
Most of us are just like the normal blocks of flats...Let us put more efforts to seek the Light from Allah so that we may glow and be enlightened,insyaAllah..
May Allah's nur of guidance be the lights to the path of our travel in seeking His pleasure and acceptance,insyaAllah.I hope this note below will shed some light on this subject matter:-
The Light
Al-Nur (The Light) - Chapter 24: Verse 35 (partial)
"God is the Light of the heavens and the earth."
Scholars, such as the eleventh-century philosopher al-Ghazali understood this "light," or "nur", to be the true quintessential light or the definitive source of all light in the universe. He goes on to explain that to describe God as Light puts Him above everything else in existence and points to His power to create living matter out of dark nothingness. The evidence of God's existence and power is so overwhelming and pervasive in the physical universe as well as in our own everyday lives, that only the ignorant or the arrogant can be blind to it.
Others interpret 'light' as the guidance God infuses into the hearts of believers that gives them the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and gives them a strong belief and confidence in their faith and what they profess to be true.
On closer reflection, the two meanings of the word "nur" will be found to be complementary. As one marvels at the light observed in the physical world, it leads to guidance being imbued inside one's heart, drawing one closer to God. Those who fail to be aware of God and deny or ignore His power and role in the world will be deprived of the privilege of God's Light and guidance, no matter how materially fortunate or advanced or successful they may be.
Compiled From:
"A Thematic Commentary on the Quran" - Muhammad Al-Ghazali, pp. 380, 381
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