When was your Ramadhan To Remember?Most of us have ordinary Ramdhan year in and year out.It is just another fasting month.If that is our attitude,nothing special will happen to you this Ramadhan.We are complacent because of our situations-age,health,wealth etc but this Ramdhan may be the last for some of us.
So let us do the best we can to make Another Ramadhan to Remember..Below is a note I wrote two years ago about my Ramadhan trip to Makkah and Madinah with my late grandma and mother and brother in 1995.To experience different Ramadhan,we must do different things from what we did the previous years and to make it extra ordinary,we must do something special-not necessarily in Makkah:
More than a decade ago, my late grandma,my mother,my brother and me went to fast in the Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.It was a Ramadhan To Remember for me.It was then that I experienced the Festival of Ibadah.
How do we make this coming fasting month as A Ramadhan to Remember wherever we are?
One of the things that all of us can afford is to make it better and different from the previous years.To those who could read the Qur'an but seldom read the Qur'an,try to read everyday during this Ramadhan.To the regular readers but have not khatam even once this year,try our best to khatam the Qur'an in this Ramadhan and many more ibadah sunat we can do.From my experience over the years,there is always something that I could have done but failed to do the previous year.
The choice is ours.Let's make this Ramadhan better than our previous Ramadhans and a Ramadhan To Remember! Let's make it The Festival of Ibadah and NOT the festival of al-maidah(perut).Selamat berpuasa!
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