Do you look forward to your weekend?Most people do-just to have a break from their week days work.How do you spend your weekend?Everyone of us has our own answers.Before I forget,let me wish you a good and interesting weekend.
In general,many of us have 2-day weekend.That will be about 104 days a year.That is a big portion of our lives to manage.
Since I took cycling more than 18 months ago,most of my weekends were quite interesting.There is always some where to go for a ride.I am lucky because I have a lot of friends who share the same interest.Yes, we need friends.
Another hobby I love to pursue is photography.So far,I have not allocated sufficient time for it.And it is difficult for me to get a group of photo enthusiasts for a weekend photowalk.Most likely I have got to do it on my own,most of the time.
Lately,after two of my three sons got bitten by cycling bugs,my wife has shown more interest to exercise as well.However, she prefers to walk and I think I should join her as my cross-training exercise.From my experience , to walk 10km is more difficult than to ride 20km!Beginning this year,my wife and me do go for our morning walk about once a week.I plan to make twice a week for our own sake as we grow older.I observe that quite a number of my peers and my seniors suffered a lot of chronic illnesses as we grow old due to unhealthy lifestyles.
From my observations,during weekends,our shopping complexes are full to the brims.Someone has described it so full that she has to step on other people's feet while shopping.People are coming to the city on weekends but it is the other way around in Jakarta( I was told).Most Jakarta city dwellers are moving out to the sunburbs for recreation during weekends.Libur di luar kota!
By engaging my family in weekend exercises and other social activities like meeting relatives and friends,I hope to enrich the life of my family members and at the same time it will enhance our health,insyaAllah.
Since I finished my weekend classes, my family and I will go for cycling on Saturday/Sunday morning. Alternately we'll go back and visit our parents. We seldom go to the shopping mall nowadays as most of the things can be bought at the nearby stores.
Posted by: mhi | Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 06:06 PM
That is good for you and your family!A healthy life style and taking care of our old parents.
Posted by: Adib | Monday, March 01, 2010 at 09:29 AM