As early adopter of web technology,I just use what is available in the cyberspace.A few of them were sucked into the Black Hole-not seen and heard anymore.I have been using twitter for quite some time (since April,2007)and I was wondering how could it be a social network apps because I seldom use it for that purpose.What about the others?For my social networking among my friends I use phone call and text messages(aka sms in Malaysia) to communicate.
Let's find out from the horse mouth,the owner/founder of Twitter.This is taken from an interview posted at The Guardian.
Being the CEO of Twitter, Biz Stone was quite sure that for him that wasn't the case. After having said to reporters earlier in the day that he was not thinking about selling the company but would rather go to the stock market if necessary, he started to relax the atmosphere, joking that he felt he was on a Seinfeld panel asking: "Social networks, what's the deal?"
Then he shuffled himself out of the responsibility of answering that question, stating that Twitter isn't even a social network. "Twitter never asked anyone to have a permanent relationship among each other. Indeed, we even changed the question we used to asked on Twitter 'What are you doing?' last week in 'What's happening?' because everybody was ignoring it anyway."
"I refer to Twitter as an information network rather then a social network. And here I believe in the trend of openness. Using an open technology, creating an open platform, and being more transparent that is where we are heading."
Stone believes that technology has a political impact that shouldn't be underestimated. Referring to Twitter's involvement in the Iranian election protests, he said: "On a large scale, the open exchange of information can even lead to positive global impact. If people are more informed they are more engaged, and if they are more engaged they are more empathic. They are global citizens, not just a citizen of a nation."
Now, you and know know what it is.Let's use for our mutual benefits.