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« Qur'an betrayed! | Main | 09-09-09 »

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


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Pak, I know which one you are tempted to buy he!he! Yes, it is very expensive. When I was studying mechanical drawing in 1998-1999, almost all the student used a Faber Castell 0.7 (forget which model)mechanical pencil (quite expensive for me, RM14.00). But, it was a good one....sadly loosed it in year 2000 due to my clumsiness...

Moral of the story?

Hmmm.. shall I say,
A successful penetration must work both way. Pushing in 1 end (eraser), pulling on the other end (casing).

I have a few...
1.Before I dismantle anything,I must have a plan to put it back.
2.If my first try fails,try second time with different method and so on..
3.If after a few trials failed,get someone else to do it.I may have a mental block.
4.If all means are exhausted to put the eraser back,forget about it.Just use the pencil and get a new portable eraser that cost 50 sen;-)

Moral of story? At 57, you can still have fun with a mechanical pencil, hehe

Thank God for it.Not only that,I also enjoy drawing using watercolours;-)

Btw, you'd probably love this :

She makes the cupcakes and he designs the top!

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