Below is an excerpt of an interesting interview of CEO of Delta Air.For complete write-up, click here. Two things that caught my attention.First,Mr Richard Anderson uses moleskine.Second,he emphasized the the importance of effective communication. According to him,a thought could only be complete if you have all the three-subject,verb and object.
In my profession of project management, communication is critical.I remember reading the introduction to a project management book and the author wrote that if you have got time to read one chapter from this book,then read Communication managment.Period.
Q. Are you a list keeper?
A. I use Moleskines. It’s just lists of things. Sometimes I’ll just sit down and write what I’m thinking about things, because I’m not a PowerPoint person. I’ll start at the upper left corner of the page and start writing, in complete thoughts, what I think. I have a long paper that I’m writing about our marketing strategy.
Q. What would you like to see business schools teach more?
A. When you’re managing as much change as corporations globally must deal with today, the ability to communicate and communicate effectively is so important that it ought to be a core capability in a business school curriculum. We measure, study, quantify, analyze every single piece of our business. Business schools in the United States have done a phenomenal job of creating that capability. But then you’ve got to be able to take all that data and information and transform it into change in the organization and improvement in the organization and the formulation of the business strategy.
You’ve got to execute, and that human factor part is important. I know it’s intangible and it’s not like finance where 2 plus 2 is 4. I don’t know whether it can be taught, but it can certainly be studied.
Note: Prince2 defines project management is the management of change.
Do anybody has any comment, what are the important intangible human factors that are best to practise in any management situation?
Ada sesetengah human factor which is good but the impact on other people is bad such as; ada sesetengah org guna tactic bila boss ada, dia rajin bekerja, bergerak sana sini pantas tapi bila boss tak ada, dia ajak kawan2 sembang tentang pengalaman itu ini and ended up kerja kawan tak siap. Then bila boss balik, dia jumpa boss personally and said she can finish up her friend's job. This is part of human factor too isn't it?
Posted by: lin | Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 09:22 AM