Today,I stumbled upon a nice and artistic notebook with nice graphics to write my personal notes about my personal notes of my travels.During my younger days, when I travelled overseas,I only took pictures but never carried notebook like I do now to record what I saw,heard and felt during my journeys.Before I forget those sweet memories,I better put them in a nice little notebook for the records.
I only began to record my travel beginning in 2000 when I visited London.Since then I always carry my little notebooks.While performing my Haj in 2003,I used up two notebooks to record my journey.It is not for public consumption because it was very personal.So, no Haj Travelog from me.As I mentioned before,in Haj everyone has the same roadmap but everyone has his or her personal journey.
This notebook has a nice cover as shown(right above) and contain about 60 pages and it costs RM6.40.On every page, there are a few small photos and sketches as decorations.The artists would prefer their own artworks but for people like me who cannot even draw a good potato,these artworks look great to provide 'sceneries' for my short notes of sweet memories of each place I have visited in the last three decades..
Below is one example of the internal pages..On second thought,I must go and get another copy before everyone will rush to buy these cute notebook at Parksons,KLCC.
hehe salam Pak Adib,
Ya, sejak akhir-akhir ni saya pun baru memulakan tabiat menulis nota sewaktu travel. Semoga berterusan hendaknya..
Posted by: hanakirana | Friday, May 29, 2009 at 11:56 PM
Wassalam Hanakirana,
Jika kita amalkan tabiat,ia akan jadi budaya hidup kita.Saya syorkan kepada semua mengamalkan menulis note bukan saja untuk travel tapi untuk lain2 aktiviti.
Posted by: Adib | Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 04:45 AM