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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


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Salam Pak,
Sudah pergi pesta buku?

Wassalam Aliff,
Belum pergi Pesta Buku kerana main basikal;-)
Joking aside,InsyaAllah I will visit Pesta Buku tomorrow.Below is what I wrote about books some time ago:

Your product is really good and the quality is very good. But also there have considerate service. You can come to see the website ! I believe that won't let you down.

Current interpretations of astronomical observations indicate that the age of the Universe is 13.75 billion years, and that the diameter of the observable universe is at least 93 billion light years. According to general relativity, space can expand faster than the speed of light, although we can view only a small portion of the universe due to the limitation imposed by light speed.

According to general relativity, space can expand faster than the speed of light, although we can view only a small portion of the universe due to the limitation imposed by light speed.

This blog is fantastic.I would like to introduce this nice website to my friends

Never too old to learn.*

I think we human research is still very shallow space, space is full of mysteries, many do not as we humans know. I think after our generation after generation of human exploration of deep space will be more and more in-depth understanding.

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