In July,2005,I blogged about the same subject and I was reminded again of it when this subject cropped up again during my discussion with someone who is very concerned with her solat.In fact,I told myself that I must be reminded of the importance being khushoo' before each of my solat,every day and not every month or year.
According to my guru,once when we commence solat with the takbir, we must leave behind our worldly matters/concerns and enter with all humility and willing submission to Allah swt into the domain of ehsan.I know it is a struggle all the way to remain 'hadhir' during solat but try we must.
During one kuliyyah,a member of the congregation asked our tasawuf teacher why he observed that people who do solat and yet they continue doing bad things?The guru replied that this type of muslims/muslimahs only do the shariat of solat but not the complete solat.
I have been wanting to learn the way of attaining khusyuk in our salaah. Alhamdulillah pak adib post ni :) syukran..
Posted by: hilmi | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 08:33 PM
Pak Adib.
A good book to read on this matter is "Perbaharui Solat Anda". A comprehensive 'theorethical way to get into kyusu' in solat. but then again; as per Imam Al Ghazali's teaching, its not only during solat, it has to be in our total moment, our food, our words we say, all things we do in life. It's all about how deep our Tauheed is..waallah hu alam.
Posted by: AKay | Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 09:49 AM