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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


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making new friends through blogging...

true!! :D


You are a witness to it:-)
Now, by joining a cycling group,I am adding more friends online and on trails.

pak adib. bila nak tukar ke macbook pro?


I like your 5th reason.

Carrying on blogging.

Dah lama dah mengidam...tapi ongkosnya Pak belum ada.

Chet, too:-)

See i am also one of your new friends kan kan kan heheheh........(tapi dah tak baru dah)

Yang baru itu kenalan,
Yang dah tak baru itu kawan,
Yang lama itu sahabat,
Yang lama dan rapat itu sahabat karib:-)

Its nice to read your blogs..very honest,interesting and well thought keep on blogging

I saw some one looking very much like you at KLCC this afternoon with some big time corporate guys...I was walking across from Mandarin after a seminar.

If it is your goodself you must be hatching some big big schemes?

Thank you for your kind words about my blog:-)

Yes,it was me having kerepok lekor with a few corporate boys.I was invited for advice on one of their big projects.

pak Adib.

i remember reading your very own typepad, years back in 2003 when i was with the french water firm, office in KL.

then we met for the 1st time (and may be the only time?) at an EGM of a prof association.

then you got me into blog via vox ( which i stop now due to my very own tight schedule.

TQ a lot for your writing.
now im still reading your entries and i use blog as a note for my own learning(

My list (1) Sharing,learning n communicating.(2)Exercising my brain. (3)Documenting events (4)Maximising my investment. (5) Keep me busy
he he nak 5 je?

Thanks for your comments and keep blogging your learning.
Thanks for sharing your list.You can add more if you wish.Typepad only asked for 5.

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