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Sunday, February 15, 2009


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I will hang on to my Zire 71 until it dies a natural death.

PalmOS was indeed great. My first PDA was a Handspring Visor Deluxe. Bought it at PC Fair for RM800. Gave it to my baby sister when i decided to get the (then) sexier HP iPaq 1910. She was not very much into gadgets, so it ended up a fancy paperweight.

Anyway, let's enjoy our Symbian S60V3 for the moment. Only Allah knows what the future have in store for us. Mungkinkah PalmOS akan membuat come-back, macam Macintosh - and beat the crap out of the iPhone? we shall see... hehehehe

I was once a member of PalmX too; however my particicipation just faded as I found out that I was too far lagging behind amongst your very advanced members. Still have the PalmX t-shirt though and still prefers Palm than nokia (currently using Palm Trea 750v)

If one day my beloved Palm went totally dead, I will still keep it and turn it into a weapon ie. untuk baling atas kepala sesiapa yg cuba datang merampok restoran saya. ;-)

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