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Thursday, December 11, 2008


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Adib, I used to write in my diary but of late have seen more blank pages then the written one. I guess blogging took that time off from the diary. Anyway I still write some important event in the diary. I hope the young would write on normal diary.

Have a nice day.

..or perhaps sometimes what we really need is a short break from all the gizmos and let the finger dance with the pen and papers? :D

i asked my mom to personally make sure my brother would bring a few moleskins with him whilst his trip to the uk this xmas... :D

Have you not considered your blog as your diary, an open diary? After all transparency is the thing of the day.Even ladies' dresses have gone that way! So let the world see what you do every day, and night too, of course. In fact some bloggers are really doing close to this, writing what they do daily as if the world have nothing better to do than reading their IMPORTANT daily routine. Is this not the 'sign'you write about?

I have my past dairies some of whose entries I do not want to share with anyone ever.

Sbb when u scribble /write ur thoughts and all that on those piece of papers, u can just freely adding whatever doodles and many little sketches, ps notes, just about anything no matter how messy the outcome. Its all about ur creativity i reckon so....

To me, diary are dates- centric;like events,meetings,deadlines etc.At the same I do write my TODO list in my diary.However, my personal notes are written in a separate notebooks.Those that I wish to share with others,I post in my blog.My blog is an open notebook of those things that matters to me which I wish to share with my fellow readers.

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