Today is the last Friday of the year 2008 and 1429H.I think it is quite
appropriate for us to 'muhasabah' ourselves before the arrival of the
new year.If we treat our personal lives as projects,we need to do a
regular progress review so that we keep on improving ourselves before
the dateline(or death line) arrives!Nobody knows when the project will
end,so it is imperative that we have the sense of urgency.Many of
us,including yours truly,tend to keep postphoning any good deeds or
amals as if we own tomorrow.
This is to remind me first and others to allocate a time before the end
of this year to ponder and create an action plan for next year.Let's do
something for ourselves.
"On that Day will men proceed in groups, sorted out, to be shown their
Deeds. Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!
And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it." (Qur'an
For better elaboration of this topic,may I invite you to read a short note written by the famous Ulama Yusof Qardawi.Click
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