The photo below(from The Star) is a bridge erected by the Army Engineers to facilitate the evacuation of the landslide victims at Bukit Antarabangsa.This type of temporary structure was designed by Sir Donald Bailey during WW11 and he graduated from Sheffield University.I saw his design and his photo on a wall along one of the corridors at my faculty of civil engineering,located at Mappin Street,Sheffield when I was an undergraduate there in 1973. When I joined JKR in 1976,we used to have a team of skilled workers who can erect a bailey bridge at any time as the needs arise.These Bailey bridges were so good that they are become permanent structures in isolated roads.To my fellow engineers in the Army,I salute you my comrades.This is a small contribution from us to the people in need of immediate helps.Please check my other posting on the tallest bridge in the world today.
Pak Adib, is that a Bailey bridge in the picture from theStar ? i may be wrong but i thought those were Quick Launch Bridges which the Army use. They fold flat for easy use and expand outwards for bridging excercises. This saves time etc. If it were a Bailey bridge it would be heavilly trussed no ?
Posted by: fess | Monday, December 08, 2008 at 09:45 PM
Actually there is a Bailey Bridge right in Seremban town. The bridge where the Seremban - Port Dickson road (Federal Route 53) crosses the Seremban - Tampin road (Federal Route 1)is a Bailey Bridge. Many in Seremban do not realise this.
Posted by: Maarof Kassim | Tuesday, December 09, 2008 at 09:00 PM
Yes, you are right.The photo was from the Star used by the Army.The real Bailey bridge that I used when I was in JKR is made of rectangular trussed steel structures.They come in modular form for easy assembly and transportation.
Posted by: Adib | Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 07:15 PM
very nice stuffs. this is the thing that they use in war for bridges ? cool
Posted by: improve search engine rankings | Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Yes,they used this thing in war.
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 04:02 PM
Salam Pak Adid.. im an Ex Sapper , the Star quot a wrong bridge for the pic. Its not a bailey bridge that unit is a MGB.. Medium Girder Bridge ..
Posted by: Ridzuan Kassim | Thursday, January 06, 2011 at 01:34 PM
Wassalam Ridzuan,thanks for your kind feedback.
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, January 06, 2011 at 02:18 PM