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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


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Salam Abedib!
You are right la abedib, contohnya kasut Clarks my son not only berkualiti tinggi tp it fit his feet and tahan lama.

By the way, nak melencong topic sekejap, I had gone through the GODIVA choc catalogue and the prices is veeeeeeeeery far fr. my reach and beyond my wallet. Mahalnye sangat!

My father used to wear Clark shoes when he was in SDAR and I'm the second generation that wears Clark shoes to SDAR. I still remember that I have to dye it with Dylon for the shoes to be black as I can hardly get a black Clark with my size (size 9 back then, now size 11). I have a B type foot and only Clark or Obermain have this type of shoes.

It sounds pretty expensive for a secondary school student to wear this brand but this is what fits me and I'm comfortable with.

The comfort of wearing Clark, it speaks for itself.

I have 3 big sons like my friend Purnawan Sarbini but none of them like to wear Clarks shoes ,except my youngest who only wears my old Clarks sandal.I am glad he followed my 'foot-steps' and soon going to university to study civil engineering like me.The pun is intended!Yesterday.I bought a new Clarks Sandals to replaced my old one-borrowed by my son.Thanks to him and now I have a reason to get a new model;-)

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