If any medium size restaurant like Koptiam,KFC,Mcdonald and others could provide wi-fi services to their customers(or whoever who sits next to their restaurant),I don't know why can't a shopping complex does the same thing?There must be something 'missing' that I don't understand.Can someone shed more light on this subject matter?Thank you.
I am writing this from a chicken rice restaurant at KB Mall in Kota Bharu using my EeePC Asus 701.
abe dib,
ambo lamo doh dok keleh2 eeepc ni, terliur nok akak so. lagu mano verdict abe dib, molek ko?
Posted by: atok | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 01:05 AM
Hi PakAdib,
I think shopping complex more interested in commercial side. I noticed that Sunway Piramid has the wifi thingy too but it is provided by independent company (Packet One if I'm not mistaken) and free trial access for a year. Then you have to pay.
Posted by: aandes | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Hi Aandes,
Thank for your feedback.I checked Packet One charges RM99 a month.I am using using DiGi dataline unlimited for RM60.
Posted by: Adib | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 09:36 PM
As far as they are concerned...if they can pass the cost to others...
btw we got the brochure from P1 3mths back. I noticed P1 early subscribers were restaurants. I went through their list on the web... most of them are eateries. The WiMAX current offers are great! It's just the coverage that we have to wait...
Posted by: Honeytar | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 11:55 PM
Wifi is a crowd puller but the negative side is a few of your patrons may stay too long and deny seats to others.
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 05:33 PM