Below is an excerpt from the Star.It is about how the poor people are coping up with rising prices of goods and services.Now,not only the poor, but small and medium contractors are seeing glooming days ahead especially in construction industry.It was reported that about 200 contractors who were awarded government contracts are not going to proceed with the project implemention due to high cost.(This news has yet to be confirmed by Ministry of Work/PWD).Which contractors of sound minds will proceed with the work knowing fully well ahead that they are going to lose money?I hope the coming meeting with the Minister of Work will resolve this issue for the mutual benefits of the client ministries and the contractors on 9th July,2008.The main issue is the VOP (variation of price clause in the contract).
Not only people in construction industry are badly affected,but almost everyone is affected.I hope the government will focus on this issue for the next six months.Otherwise, most normal people living statndard will be greatly affected by inflation that may lead to a recession.My experience of recession in construction industry may last at least 3 to 4 years for it to recover.
Sunday July 6, 2008
A struggle to survive
For people living in poverty, life has always been a constant struggle. So how are they supposed to cope with the increasing prices of goods and services?
WITH increasing prices of goods in Malaysia and everywhere else around the world, people now more than ever are feeling the pinch. However, for those who are living in or at the edge of poverty, struggling to make ends meet is nothing new.
For this unfortunate group of people, making enough money to survive was difficult enough before. Now, their quality of life has deteriorated even further.
Yes, pity the contractor if there's no fluctuation of prices clause in the Contract especially during this period. But if there is, it should be applied bothways, right? Wonder if this has ever occurred/ prices ever fall..
Pumped petrol this morning and it hurts..95-octane is now at SGD 2.28 per litre. This hike in prices is hurting everyone..
Posted by: su | Monday, July 07, 2008 at 11:31 AM
everyday, pump ron 95 to my iron horse, everyday rm 10.00 x 30 days=rm 300.00.
(pejam mata bila beli buku yang aliff suka, kalau nak kira jawabnya tak beli buku la)
Posted by: aliff | Monday, July 07, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Assalamu'alaikum Tn.Hj.
It is expected few deputy-ministers excluding their entourage and VIPs to be coming into London throughout July 2008.
This is what government says about 'berbelanja berhimah'...
Posted by: Unggal | Monday, July 07, 2008 at 06:01 PM
That is a very good 'example' to tell the rakyat about 'belanja berhimah'.Until and unless the politicians do what they asked the rakyat to do,no body believe them.
What you wrote about is 'belanja mewah'.
Posted by: Adib | Monday, July 07, 2008 at 06:33 PM