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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


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salam pok dib,
i (still) can't afford moleskine. so i write & sketch in my monologue. they don't produce plain paged monologue like moleskine. making do with what i have, it's still better than nothing. :) i sketch nonsense cartoons most of the time. on sketches, emila yusof is an inspiration...

Izzat - if you do a lot of sketching, you may want to take a look at the sketchbooks made by Monologue.

Yes,I agree with Chet's suggestion.It is not pocket size but a small book size(5x8 inches).I use the blank paper mainly for mind mapping.

thanks. will look it up.

I too belong to the old school in this age, but just like you, also managed to adapt to use the cutting-edge gadgets.
Among the stationery, I remember you wrote something about your pen, but can't quite remember the type.
While growing up in a not-well-to-do family, I was exposed to two types of pen that my father favoured in those days: Parker and Sheaffer. I preferred and fell in love with Parker because of its clip in the shape of an arrow, the type with the old and delicate design.
When I left for further study in the seventies, the people from my village gave me a dinner and presented to me a pair of gold-plated Parkers. I have since lost the ball-point pen, but am still using the fountain pen until today! That's for almost 35 years!

Thanks for sharing your experience here.Now,I am using my old Parker Frontier.It reminds me of my late father..
When I was a student in secondary school,I can only afford a pilot.Later ,during my corporate days,I use Mont Blanc.Lately,I bought a Capless Pilot.
My salute to you for using the same pen for the last 35 yrs!!!

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