Last night,I attended a small gathering of my schoolmates.Our host is a retired general in the Malaysian Armed Forces.(the one in the middle as shown in the photo).For me,it was a very nostalgic event..
Most of us have grey hairs.When I asked our guitarist,how he could remember to play guitar after more than 30 years since we left school,he said it is always there he picks the guitar.I think it is like riding a bicycle-I never forget even though I didnot ride a bike for than three years due to my knee problems.
One of the song Oh Fatimah made me sang brought me to my alma mater SDAR in Tanjung Malim within seconds.Virtually,I was there...
Those were the days..
NB: Musical Notes...I am taking my wife to attend P Ramlee The Musical [the last day-Sunday 15/6/08(sponsored by Celcom)].Any comments of The Musical?