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Saturday, June 07, 2008


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Pak Adib,
I am always of the opinion that knowledge can be gained by hands on training at a suitable place of work. The medical doctors do it through their housemanship, the lawyers through chambering. Other profession like engineering should embrace this form of training to gain knowledge. I have met mechanical engineering graduates who doesnt even know how to handle spanners correctly. Given a choice I would choose one who knows rather than who doesnt as the later wont be able to supervise a job well as he will not know if the job is correctly done or not.

Sdra Adib,
Thanks for posting photos of two of my small educational activities. I am deeply humbled. Your blog extols right and soft perspective on knowledge, religion and social life. This kind of positive sharing is much needed in blogsphere nowadays...salam.

Wassalaam Prof WanMN,
Thank you for taking time to read and leave your comment at my blog.I wish to thank you for allowing me to sit in your lecture room among your PhD students.Thank you,Sir.
Jazakallahu khairan.

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