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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


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My place just as bad. My family members have been the victims. One of them was talking on her handphone when it was snatched from her hand. At one occasion I witnessed it with my own eye. A lady was passing infront of my house when her hand bag was snatched by a biker. My neighbour trailed the criminal and finally he stopped at a mamak stall to eat roti chanai. He called the police and the snatcher was immediately apprehended. We probably can minimise becoming a victim through education and awareness training. I had written about this in my blog. There are organization who conduct such training regularly. Refer these website ;


I still remember two years back near my house. My neighbour is having a wedding reception and all of us are busy preparing the tent and everything when one of the neighbour on her way to this place was snatched from behind. She fell and the thief got away on a motorbike. We tried to give a chase but somehow he get away. and the latest was in Kuala Terengganu last Saturday.

It's true, policing is not enough. Probably, we need to scare would be snatchers/criminals through the very elements within the society, esp. the consciousness that lead to cooperation and vigilance.

It's true, policing is not enough. Probably, we need to scare would be snatchers/criminals through the very elements within the society, esp. the consciousness that lead to cooperation and vigilance.

Pak Adib, I share your concerns on the crime level especially on street justice. Sometimes, people feel helpless and in such situations, succumb to the vengeance mentality. There is no easy way .. but the onus is on the powers to be to place their priorities right.

Please read this.It is very scary...

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