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Sunday, May 04, 2008


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salam pak adib,

i have actually placed an order with amazon for this book. i have been hearing about it from a few people and have been told it is brilliant. :) insyaAllah ill find great knowledge and understanding =)


I won't say it is brilliant, but a few good lessons you can derive or deduce from the author.It is about one man's experience but if you wish to know more about life,I suggest you read philosophy and tasawuf.It is good for a young man like you to read for knowledge, but the real meaning will creep in slowly as you go through this life...Don't rush, take your time;-)

According to my guru,knowledge only comes with the arrival of meaning.

thank you for your advice pak adib. Will remember that =)

i do read philosophy and also the translation of the Quran itself for self understanding. I'm really shocked what i find in the Quran =) the things i find sometimes make me tear and fall.

I hope i'll learn alot from the books i read and such. By the way, a favourite book of mine:


would be a book i'd like you to try and check out. It's a book which shares skills and stuff. very good book. Many CEO's and MD's that i personally know live by that book =)


the book is by DALE CARNEGIE by the way =)

You are most welcome.That is a good book.To live by THE book or by A book is not easy;but trying harder we must.

How inspiring Randy Pausch is! If you liked "The Last Lecture", another fantastic memoir I just read and highly recommend is "My Stroke of Insight" by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. Her TEDTalk video ( has been seen as many times as The Last Lecture I think, and Oprah did 4 shows on her book, so there are a lot of similarities. In My Stroke of Insight, there's a happy ending though. It's an incredible story! I hear they're making it into a movie.

Prof Randy Pausch passed away last night.Quoted from Google blog:

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