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Tuesday, May 06, 2008


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On the average 30% of the seat not taken every flight. So rather than wasting it, why not just give it away at cost plus all the conditions imposed so as not to make full paying passenger complaining. It is just like operating a food stall. What do you do with the unsold food. You can sell them at a discount toward closing time or simply throw them away. Some good samaritan even collect them and distribute to orphanages (BTW this is one of Rotary Club Kampong Baharu project)
At the end of the day we reduce wastages. AirAsia chief Tony made an interesting remarks on this issue.

abe dib,

i also favor MAS than A.Asia. what MAS doing right now is part of their recovery plan from red dot. and it's a good move. only thing is i dissapointed with remarks from Mr Tony from A.Asia who is look uncomfortable with this move by putting 'some look unsatisfied' remarks. by right, it is supposed to be healthy competition. Dont forget that MAS is a national carrier's status which have to fulfill some social obligation such as rural base services and etc.

I remember being a student and having to wait for MAS' discounted seats to open - usually in the wee hours of the morning - alone in the airport. It wasn't fun. AirAsia on the other hand gave me an option - the choice of flying cheap at any time i choose. My hat's off to Tony Fernandez - MAS'new promo is definately a form of flattery to AirAsia

I'll be flying A.Asia to JB next Thursday and back to KL on MAS. Sadly there is no free seat on that day. To keep my cash flow healthy I'll fly A.Asia but to find better flight schedule I have to choose MAS.

it’s funny how MAS has copied AirAsia’s marketing down to the font. If you ask me, Tony must be having a good laugh thinking about how MAS is copying his airline.

LCC business model do not belong or invented by Tony. It was there all this while used by many operators. It was used by Sir Fredie Laker of Lakers Airways, the famous 'skytrain'. Tony adopt Ryan Air strategy and in fact employed ex Ryan Air staff to implement it. I too admired Tony entrepreneur ship and with healthy bottom line to prove it. Former Air Asia under Hicom and Pelangi Air did not made it.

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