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Monday, April 28, 2008


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My apologies for not having the time to reinstall MapSource on your notebook. Exam time for my dept, undergrad & masters, so quite busy.

Abedib balik dari Singapore nanti, call lah. Nanti saya rectify the problem with MapSource.

BTW kalau ABedib dah tahu nak pergi Singapore, you should've waited until then to buy the GPSr. Cheaper by a few hundred ringgit.

Dr Azmi,
It is okay-no hurry.InsyaAllah,I will see you when I come back from S'pore.Anyway,I don't need GPS since I will in a room from 9am to 5pm.
Yes, I should have waited but the decision to go to S'pore only made later.

Hope you enjoy the busride!

When I went to Singapore on the bus, I took my Garmin Nuvi with me. It was useful to know exactly where I was along the way. It was also very handy to be able to give an accurate ETA so that the person meeting me at the other end need not wait too long.

I look forward to the journey:-)
On second thought,after reading your comment above, i will bring my GPS.Even though I am travelling by bus, at least I know my location and ETA.Thanks for the tips.

salam pak adib! How was your trip? Good i hope..? :)

Wassalaam Hilmi,
My trip is this afternon.No comment yet.InsyaAllah,I hope it is going to be a a safe and comfortable journey.

oh i see! well, i mixed up the dates then hehe :) take care!

It was a business trip to attend a seminar.I arrived about 6pm on 29/4 and returned home at 5pm the next day.Alhamdulilah,it was safe and comfortable journey..

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