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Monday, March 24, 2008


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Below is the link to Puan Nisah's posting about this event:

Terima kasih kerana berkunjung ke laman pantun saya. Saya merasa amat terharu dan terhormat.

Hari ini jumlah pengunjung ke laman saya melonjak hampir seratus orang dan saya dapat banyak idea baru untuk memperkasakan laman saya itu.

Komen-komen saya masukkan ke , termasuk berita tentang Astaka Minda.

Sayang sekali tidak dapat hadir. Tetapi, saya sangat gembira apabila mendengar Pak Adib sudah menulis memoirnya. Moga-moga dapatlah segera saya memilikinya dalam bentuk buku apabila terhasil nanti. Saya doakan Pak Adib agar sentiasa bersemangat dan sihat dalam berkarya. Mohon doa Pak Adib untuk saya ya!

Zamri Mohamad

Pak Asdy,
Terima kasih kerana mengambil masa mengunjungi dan menulis komen di blog saya.Tahniah kepad Pak Asdy kerana mendapat sambutan yang baik.
Terima kasih kerana memberi semangat kepada saya untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu(Cerita hidup di kampung).Thanks for your doa.

Pak Adib,

Thanks a lot for showing up. I really appreciate your attendance. It was another bonus meeting Bro Fauzi, after 20 years!

Here is a relevant news about the roles of blog from NST today:

PM concedes BN lost online war during polls
By : Newsdesk


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Barisan Nasional lost the online war to win votes in the March 8 general election.
“We didn’t think it was important. It was a serious misjudgement,” he said at the opening of Invest Malaysia, an investment conference.

Last year, the country had more than 13.5 million Internet users, or just under one in two Malaysians. This was a third more than in 2005, when there were 10 million users.

The World Wide Web allowed parties like the DAP, PKR and Pas, which have long complained of bias in the traditional media, to reach voters in their offices and homes.

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