How do you get time to read a few books in a month and at the same time writing your blogs?,asked a young man.Well young man,nobody has time for anything or anyone if we do not allocate time for it.By the way,my thanks to Allah for the reading and writing habits I have developed or acquired over the years. Every time I go out of my house,either for business or pleasure,I always take with me a book for me to read.Somehow, there are small pockets of time will be available for me to read;either waiting for my wife going shopping and waiting for friends who keep coming late for appointments or waiting for the meeting to start. There are always small pockets of 'free time' available between our daily life schedule-either to read book or Qur'an or to write personal journals in our expensive moleskine notebook or cheap 'Buku 555'.
I must confess that I love electronic gadgets.My wife told me that if I were to buy her gold jewellery instead of Garmin GPS,iBook,PC,Palm Tre0680,EeePC etc,etc,her neck and both her hands will be covered with gold!She was gold is very expensive.That is a good excuse for me to buy gadgets instead of gold or diamonds;-)
The above photo shows the latest ultraportable pc-called EeePC 701 and on the right is the old(not produced and not supported anymore) Psion Netbook.Some time in 2005,I used Psion netbook (very ggod keyboard and light) for my writing while I am on the go but somehow due to some technical reasons,I abondoned it and got back to my iBook.This portable pc is quite heavy for my old shaky shoulders ,so I only write at home -most of the time.If I have something to write,I will write them in my paper notebook.
A few days ago,I bought an EeePC.It default OS is Xandros Linux.Some techno-savvy users will also be using other Linux flavours like Ubuntu,Kubuntu,Xubuntu.I got a big laugh at myself because these words are foreign to me.I know Timbuktu and Honduras but I never been there;-) Joking aside,I found it quite a good travel companion for me.It weighs less than 1kg and can go easy into my man-bag without getting noticed that an old geek is walking around with his Linux pc.Now, I can write more often-as often as the time and connectivity available to me.
Please share your experience of using the eeePC, especially the keyboard!
I remember you blogged about considering the eeePC for your son's computing needs and deciding it wasn't the right one. Now, you have one for yourself!
Posted by: Chet | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 11:50 AM
My rating of keyboard is 50% of Psion netbook,but it is manageable and I can accept for the price.My son usage is to get info from the Internet,a lot of report writing and play games and listening to music.For him,i got a Dell PC is more appropriate.IMHO,this EeePC is a lighter traveller's companion.Btw, the one that I don't like is the Surf model,this one is EeePC701 4GB + 512Mb RAM.
Posted by: Adib | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 12:53 PM
Wow, eeePC now?
Used to consider of one, but the it will be good only for my mobility, and for heaven sake I don't travel much. So there goes the idea :) Never knew it was Xandros. And I thought Xandros only come with Command Line Interface(CLI) which is a killer. Now I know the GUI is cool too :)
Posted by: Akmal | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 01:29 PM
I hope you bring your EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PC to our meeting tomorrow. I can't wait to get my hands on one!!!
Posted by: Kura-Kura | Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 04:53 PM
InsyaAllah,I will bring it along..
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 06:45 PM
there was a write up about your new toy in thursday star newspaper. I acquired mine during awal muharam holiday, its definitely cheaper than your brand new treo.
Posted by: zaleha | Friday, February 22, 2008 at 12:04 AM
Wassalam Zaleha,
That is great!Please share with us how do you make use of this new toy?I have yet to explore and just began reading some linux stuff;-)
I am glad that my EeePC can read all files(ppt,doc,pdf) in my thumb drives.Today,I amgoing to download some free ebook to my thumb drive and see whether I can read it using whatever apps already installed in the EeePC.Btw, eReader Pro now is free:-)
Posted by: Adib | Friday, February 22, 2008 at 06:58 AM
pak adib,
i am seriously considering Mac Air, since i last read you've converted to Macbook (i think). any advice? i will be using it mainly for internet, lots of word processing and graphic/photo editing and MP3s. is it true it's going to be RM12,000.00 here?
Posted by: AO | Friday, February 22, 2008 at 10:19 AM
MacAir is not yet,so I can't confirm the price.Yes,I am macuser but I also have a Fujitsu PC.IMHO,for serious work on graphic/photo/music,I suggest MacPro.This machine will cost you about RM12k.For my mobile companion,EeePC is good enough for word processing and Internet(browsing/email/IM).I use iPod to listen to my music etc.
Posted by: Adib | Friday, February 22, 2008 at 10:36 PM