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Friday, February 29, 2008


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O Allah, we beseech from You. Creator of the worlds and everything between and therein. Make us amongst those of whom You have accepted. Make our every and single movement as movements for Your sake. Make our every and single speech as speeches for your sake. And O Allah.. Make our each and every whisper as whispers for your sake. Grant us pardon. Grant us the understanding. For Thou O Allah, controls and decides every and anything. And the blessings of Your True Prophets. The blessings of your very Chosen Prophet saw., his families, Sahabahs and all the Sahabahs thereafter and those that follow him. Ameen. Ameen Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

Thank you for your inputs.Referring to the sentence of your posting,here is what we all must be looking for.For better understanding,I use the Malay translation of the last 4 ayats of surah A--Fajr:
[27] (Setelah menerangkan akibat orang-orang yang tidak menghiraukan akhirat, Tuhan menyatakan bahawa orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh akan disambut dengan kata-kata): Wahai orang yang mempunyai jiwa yang sentiasa tenang tetap dengan kepercayaan dan bawaan baiknya!

[28] Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan keadaan engkau berpuas hati (dengan segala nikmat yang diberikan) lagi diredhai (di sisi Tuhanmu)!

[29] Serta masuklah engkau dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaku yang berbahagia

[30] Dan masuklah ke dalam SyurgaKu!

Assalamualaikum MASTER READER:

I might be wrong, but I feel that this poem I wrote in a small part might suit the answer to that question.


the little child stare staright at the sky,
his eyes shouted to the sky a red stare of bile,
his tears reek hideous blight,
his lips whispered a truth not nay,
fisticuffs be the feast of this night,
as hurt reigns in the place of his smile,
something he thought the sky sowed in guile,
by hiding shines that are gentle and mild,
and bring forth storms that made all sacrosancts rile,
pointing to him a divine lie.


the sky kept sporting a havenly smile,
that kept the soil under the child's feet fertile,
and chase hunger far from his mama's scullery,
by keeping the fire merry,
and making the stove proof its worthy,
so that what was once raw became a lovely fricassee,
that would make darkness say goodbye,
hence giving place to a lovely smile,
and calmed the heart of a sadden child.

Wassalam Demonsinme,
Thanks for sharing your poetry with us.

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