Do we have time for our neighbours? From Islamic perspective,there are three levels of 'hak' neighbours on us.Top on the tiers is the neighbour who is our relatives and muslims.Second is the neighbour who is a muslim.Third is a neghbour who is not a muslim.Everyone of them has 'hak' on us as their neighbour.
This morning after solat subuh at our surau(mosque),the imam informed the jemaah (congregation) that a neighbour has passed away last night.He invited the jemaah to attend a tahlil immediatelly after the solat.I counted there were 12 of us during the solat, but only 6 of us were there at the house of the dead neighbour! I know all of us have our work to do,but at least we should give priority when our own neighbour passed away...
It is not easy to be a good neighbour but my next door neighbour now has two barking dogs.I told her that I cannot stand the noisy barking dogs but she loves dogs more than her neighbours! My patience is running low...