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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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Tidak mengapa Pak Adib. Sebab ini kali yang ketiga / keempat Pak Adib berbasikal, kapasiti berbasikal Pak Adib masih di peringkat permulaan. Pak Adib boleh membuat penilaian semula selepas sekitar sebulan berbasikal nanti.

Selisih dengan Abedib pagi tadi masa nok gi ppasar ... nok honk - dok dang. Bukan main siap dengan helmet. Singgah rumah Nasir Zihni tadi? ke lalu je?

Lalu saja,tak singgah.Ni dok practice sebab lamam dah tinggal kayuh basikal.Pakai helmet tui sebab lalu jalan besar-jaga keselamatan.

good to hear that you're taking up cycling. i read somewhere that it's one of the best exercise for keeping the joints healthy and not to cumbersome to the knees. i think it's true. you should be improving soon as you learn to manage your gears accordingly , hence your cadence, and after that, come any hill or mountain, you'll be shouting, give me more. btw, nice bike, a trek, got one, myself. sitting still on the balcony of my house.

Thanks for taking time to leave your comments/guidance here.Btw, where do you cycle?
My son BMX(morales) is also sitting pretty on the balcony of my house.He used to do stunts that scared the hell out of me!Now, he has grown up-hopefully to get him to be my partner in cycling.

Bravo! I wish I have the same determination as you. If I go out and get a bike I'll probablyride it for a while and then it will just gather dust in some corner of the house!

My determination came form my personal need to improve my health.To keep the momentum,we need friends..just join a group or 'force' someone to be your cycling mate;-)

i used to cycle to work, which is a mere 13 minutes away for a few months. totally stopped now since it's a bit cumbersome having to pick up kids from school during lunch. used to carry a ruck sack with office clothes and shower at the office. did manage to lose a few kg back then. btw i'm in Putrajaya, excellent infrastructure for cyclists. now, i'm more into doing cardio at the gym. lost 10 kg since april last, BMI excellent.

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