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Thursday, January 24, 2008


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Dear Pak Adib,

Just to comment on your previous post on Gamelan, I was there to accompany my mother at the same wedding and the Gamelan Group is the UITM group which I used to join and perform during my student years.

I was penyambut tetamu.Tan Sri was my ex-boss during JKR days.Next time,please say hello.Thanks.

Great idea. The govt will benefit as by keeping tax payers healthy, they can collect tax for a much longer period!

However, I don't think it will work. The kiasu ones will lose weight, collect their money, and then overindulge on food with using their recent windfall!

Externally imposed/seduced change is not easy to maintained.I believe the need to change must come from deep inside us...

Any,let see how is the outcome of the British experiment;-)

Pak Adib,
Over the years we have witnessed the dwindling in size and numbers of playing fields be it school fields or public fields. Since school compounds are fenced up, they become inaccessible to the public and now they have nowhere to play. No wonder Malaysia doesn't have the depth to get new players to replace the old ones. The new generations are playing games on computers!
When I was in Japan I was amazed to see the number of playing fields avaiable to them despite lands are scarce to them. Any avaialable areas are converted to playing fields. Not in Malaysia where any available space will be converted to housing areas to make more money for the developers.
Obese japanese is a rare sight. How did they manage to do it?

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