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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


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Hahaha.. this song reminds me of my teenage days in London!! It doesn't feel like it was that long ago....

Yes, it seems only like my case,it is just about 30+ yrs ago;-)..with a girl friend,eating ice-cream together and walking the streets of London!

Phew..!.. never know Tn.Aji can sing..!! Keep it up brother!.. Perhaps you can teach me how to...

Menyanyi dalam bilik air sambil mandi lah...
So everybody can sing..

Pak Adib :-) this is a side of you I have not seen ;-) ... that is a golden oldie song ;-).. please blog abt your qawwali experience. I have read about qawwali itself but never had the experience of hearing it. Yes, Nusrat Ali Fateh is considered the 'P.Ramlee' of qawwali.

I am not surprised to actually see the romantic side of Pak Adib as I think I know that already. He's a gentleman who is adept in making us women feel comfortable in his presence and he himself can be jovial without too much of putting the ladies in an awkward position.

Eh, why the hell am i referring u as the third person ha pak adib? I probably am responding to the other commentors above ;-D based on my own experience and honest observation about u after knowing u in person for the past 1 year. But i am sure your wife has a million more (wonderful) stories to share!

It was a good experience for me but the words were mostly Urdu/Hindi.I only managed to recognise a few phrases like al-Hamdu,Allah hu, la syarikalah in the songs of praises to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.The music was very intense-demonstarting the love of an abid to his Rabb; and the selawat to our Rasullulah with his name Muhammad Mustapha being repeated many times..
It reminds me of one Sufi's saying that if we think we understand,it means that we don't understand;what more if we don't understand.I was there to be intoxicated with the beautiful beautiful sufi utterances and the lovely music.To undertstand,I need to enter the sufi domain;of which I am not qualified yet to be admitted as a member.
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Pak adib, we had the pleasure of watching the sabri brothers when they performed in London and we really enjoyed the performances - such beautiful songs. But what made it uncomfortable sometimes, was the reactions of the crowd who went over the top, fainting and throwing money to show appreciation...otherwise, it was a good experience.

Kak Teh,
The few that fainted and threw money are those who were intoxicated by the sounds and the sights of the rolling waves.However, there is a small group of people who were dumbfounded and speechless because they were drown under the ocean of ehsan.
(my apologies for a belated response to your commnets)

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