I don't have the power of descriptive analysis like Nicholas Sparks to articulate the words for the feeling when I have completed something,especially when we have done something good for others. From my experience, the feeling is much better if others can benefit more from our good deeds.
Similarly,if we have given something to others as compared to getting something from others. I don't know how to say it, but for those who have the experience,you know the feeling.
Not many of us can accomplish great things during our life time.But I know,many of us can do many small everyday things like helping someone who needs help to find their way or give information to others so that they can get their job done easier and faster. Many a time, I am the receiver of many good deeds done by others. Many thanks and may Allah bless you all.
Let me tell you a real story about a young man who is also a frequent visitor of my blog.A few days ago, he sms( text) me asking whether I wish to donate some money for his initiative to get some books for the library of an orphanage in Parit, Perak.A few days later, he sms me that he had collected RM2025 and used the money to buy 246 books.Imagine the benefits to the orphans at that school! May Allah swt bless you IS.
In Al-Qur'an, I read about the al-Muhsinun i.e the doers of good things. Most of us are good people who normally do good to others. The month of Ramdhan is coming tomorrow.Why not we look for something good that we can do;no matter whether we are rich or poor,scholars or not educated and ordinary muslims or pious muslims.By the way, it is easier to do good things than bad things.
Let this Ramadhan be a good training ground so that we can continue doing more good things in the future.
From Surah Az-Zaariyat:
[15] Sesungguhnya orang-orang
yang bertakwa adalah ditempatkan di dalam beberapa taman Syurga, dengan
mata air-mata air terpancar padanya. [16]
(Keadaan mereka di sana) sentiasa menerima nikmat dan rahmat yang
diberikan kepadanya oleh Tuhan mereka. Sesungguhnya mereka di dunia
dahulu adalah orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan. [17] Mereka sentiasa mengambil sedikit sahaja: Masa dari waktu malam, untuk mereka tidur. [18] Dan pada waktu akhir malam (sebelum fajar) pula, mereka selalu beristighfar kepada Allah (memohon ampun). [19]
Dan pada harta-harta mereka, (ada pula bahagian yang mereka tentukan
menjadi) hak untuk orang miskin yang meminta dan orang miskin yang
menahan diri (daripada meminta).
Ahlan Wassahlan Ya Ramadhan al-Mubarak!
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