Let me share with you the concerns of Ustaz Zainuddin during one of our Kuliyyah Subuh . He lamented a few bad examples of our muslims/ muslimah behaviours which I am ashamed to mention in my blog.I think all of us have seen with our eyes and read in the newspapers.How could we be the best ummah if we blantantly disobeyed the Islamic code of conduct? IMHO, the subject of akhlaq is a missing dimension in our education system and we as parents had obviously and miserably failed in our sacred duty to tarbiyah our children with guidance and good examples.
The Meaning and Origin of Akhlaq:
The word akhlaq is the plural for the word khulq which means disposition. "Disposition" is that faculty (malakah) of the soul which is the source of all those activities that man performs spontaneously without thinking about them. Malakah is a property of the soul which comes into existence through exercise and repetitive practice and is not easily destroyed.
Below are a few ayats from the Qur'an he qouted:-
Surah Al-Fussilat:[33] Dan tidak ada yang lebih
baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada (mengesakan dan
mematuhi perintah) Allah, serta dia sendiri mengerjakan amal yang
soleh, sambil berkata: Sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang-orang Islam
(yang berserah bulat-bulat kepada Allah)!
Surah Aali-Imran:[104] Dan hendaklah ada di
antara kamu satu puak yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan
(mengembangkan Islam) dan menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik,
serta melarang daripada segala yang salah (buruk dan keji) dan mereka
yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang yang berjaya.
Surah Yusuf:[108] Katakanlah (wahai
Muhammad): "Inilah jalanku dan orang-orang yang menurutku, menyeru
manusia umumnya kepada agama Allah dengan berdasarkan keterangan dan
bukti yang jelas nyata. Dan aku menegaskan: Maha suci Allah (dari
segala iktiqad dan perbuatan syirik); dan bukanlah aku dari golongan
yang mempersekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu yang lain."
Surah Yunus:[32] Maka yang demikian
(sifatNya dan kekuasaanNya) ialah Allah, Tuhan kamu yang
sebenar-benarnya; sesudah nyatanya sesuatu yang betul dan benar, maka
tidakkah yang lain daripada itu salah dan karut sahaja? Oleh itu,
bagaimana kamu dapat dipesongkan dari kebenaran?
Surah At-Taubah:[122] Dan tidaklah (betul dan
elok) orang-orang yang beriman keluar semuanya (pergi berperang); oleh
itu, hendaklah keluar sebahagian sahaja dari tiap-tiap puak di antara
mereka, supaya orang-orang (yang tinggal) itu mempelajari secara
mendalam ilmu yang dituntut di dalam agama dan supaya mereka dapat
mengajar kaumnya (yang keluar berjuang) apabila orang-orang itu kembali
kepada mereka; mudah-mudahan mereka dapat berjaga-jaga (dari melakukan
larangan Allah).
The next question is what are we going to do about it?
Previous posting on the same subject here.
Master Adib:
Forgive me in advance for flooding your comment section with my words. This poem I wrote, are the summary of a question that have lingered in my head for quit some time. I really need to find an answer, at least one that would satisfy me for a short while.
If you don't mind, do share with your insight. I ask of this as it is my believe that you and others that ask are among the best enlughtened minds that I have ever had the chance to encounter.
I understand if u don't and wish thus deleting it.
I thank you in advance.
Hey mister,
why so somber?
the world is full with colour,
live up enjoy the splendour.
It's because I'm dead.
No mister you can't be dead,
your face id still red,
look, even that wound still bled,
and you look like a man well fed.
Really, I died.
Mister, why do you lie,
I can tell from from eyes,
I know you have just cry,
how could you say you have died?
Boy here's why,
Could you feel that the air is so dry,
and the soil beneath your covered with sly,
and both fought seeking to be beautified,
by seeping the river's blood dry,
there's no more space for me forehead to shy.
Besides, I have nothing to sing.
no, not even one of 'em shining things,
and me belly is no larger than a string,
you know how 'em bitches love those shiny shiny things,
on the head and the bellies of a dying king.
Yup, you're dead.
and I better fled,
being with you is most definately bad,.
Hey, I did told you am dead.
Posted by: demonsinme | Friday, July 13, 2007 at 04:50 AM
You have an interesting monologue!
From your poem,I read that your physical body is not dead and neither is your soul.For the soul lives forever but it experiences(tastes ) death when it leaves the body.Most likely,it is the nafs is dead;but then the nafs is another form of the mode of existence of the soul.
I am not qualified to comment further but if I may suggest,you read chapter 4(The nature of man and the psychology of the human soul) of the book by Prof Dr Syed Naguib Al-Attas's book entitled Prolegomena to The Metaphysics of Islam.Hopefully, you may discover the answer to your question,insyaAllah.
Posted by: Adib | Friday, July 13, 2007 at 06:32 PM