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Thursday, November 30, 2006


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These are believed to be the three best selling Jazz Albums of all time.

"Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis is certainly an exceptional album. I am enjoying to it now after reading your blog. Not to be missed.

I find "Take Five" by Dave Brubeck interesting enough and pleasant enough listening.

I've never really listened to Harry Connick Jr so I can't comment on his "When Harry Met Sally" album, Not "in my bag" as 60s jazzers would have said.

Thank you for the recommendation. I just bought Diana Krall, contemporary but there's enough swing in her latest to make the music upbeat.

Dah dengar lagu Nafas Cahaya olih Mishar Omar?
I am impressed by her vocal!

I've remembered two more Jazz albums that you should try to listen too:

"Mingus Ah Um" by Charles Mingus


"Roots Revisited" by Maceo Parker

Pak Adib - tak on my CD list is actually very light "swing"! I may try Sharizan..

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