My neighbour confided in me yesterday that he is still in the Raya mood- still reluctant to go back to work. May be ,it is due to the momentum of what we are engaged in.The First Newton's Law of Motion still applies here. Similarly ,as the last Ramadan was about to end,our working mood diminished as we looked forward to Hari Raya. Mood means a characteristic of state of feeling. And when it is related to feeling, everyone of us has our own. So,it varies from person to person...
A week of Syawal has passed by.In the coming weekends, many of us will be invited or organising Open House for our friends,relatives and business associates. As we try to get back to 'working mood',we may have forgotten Puasa Sunat.Let me remind myself first and others to allocate six dates(if you have not done so) for Puasa Sunat Syawal. Otherwise, we may get carried away with celebration of hari raya until the end of Syawal.By the way,I am talking from my experience.
Fadilatnya sabit dengan hadis Nabi s.a.w. yang bermaksud, Sesiapa yang berpuasa Ramadan kemudian mengikutinya dengan enam hari pada bulan Syawal, maka (ganjarannya) seolah-olah dia berpuasa sepanjang tahun. (Riwayat Tirmizi).
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