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« Bicara Bunga-Bunga | Main | Akhlaq »

Thursday, August 17, 2006


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Second bismillah of surah naml

Surah yang ke 27 al-naml, ayat ke 30.

"It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:

Tahniah Dr Azmi!

Mannn... you are too quick Doc. Even if I were to be here before you, still I can't give the right and precise answer apart from guessing.

Adus... frustnye tak dapat moleskine...

Kenapa lambat jawap? next time check my blog every morning;-)

Dear Abedib,
TQ very much for dropping by to give me the moleskine. I really appreciate it.


napa surat attaubah takde basmalah?

napa surat attaubah takde basmalah?

Maaf,saya tak berni jawap.Sila tanya ustaz.

salam adi,

surah taubah tiada basmallah sbb bicara nk bertaubat mesti kemahuan manusia itu sendiri. sedangkan Basmallah adalah bicara kehendak/kemahuan Allah.

Saya letak question pasal Basmallah tuan kat blog keluarga kami supaya saudara mara yang lain bolih mendapat kesempatan berkenalan langsung dengan tuan.

Saya sendiri hanyalah seorang insan yang tengah belajar serba sedikit pasal basmallah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat hendaknya.
Salam hormat.

Terima kasih.Selamat berpuasa.

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