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Monday, April 03, 2006


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Assalamualaikum. With the prices of books in our country, I believe those who can afford to buy books, and have enviable collections, are truly very lucky. It is the cost factor, too, that makes us cherish books all the more. Yet it is also the cost factor, unfortunately, that is alienating most Malaysians from embracing the reading culture.

Books are not cheap in Malaysia,but what is lacking is the desire to buy and read books as compared to our desire to own expensive cars,expensive dresses,expensive AV equipments etc.

Most of my shirts are less than RM50 each,that is why I could afford to buy at least a book a month.

Pak Adib, it is interesting how you trade off between a shirt & a book :) Very true about the desire to buy and read. That's why I am thankful for stores like Payless Books. I don't have to buy them new, and I don't need to get the latest books. I have not tried the libraries, though. Have you?

I also visit Payless Bookshop at Ampang Point.My interest is looking for hardcaver good novel which I could buy for less than RM20.

I have been to libraries...but I got dissappointed with the selection of novels.However,I prefer to buy the book.

A'kum Pak Adib,

Just found found ur very insightful site and had recommended to few friends...

On the books and reading culture, agreed that it is costly to buy books esp herein our own beloved n peaceful country BUT it is wiser to buy a book on self-improvement related esp on us as HIS servant be in whatever genre and finish reading, understanding, grasping and practising in our daily life before embarking to buy another one...

May HE blessed U

Waalaikumussalam Mohammad Zuraini,
Thank you for your du'a.May Allah swt guide to to the right path.God bless.

Just sharing with all my new friends:-

Wednesday, April 5, 2006, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 AM in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06 This will never happen again in your life time...

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